The Rules and Regulations of OZNZ Sim Racing exist to facilitate clean, fun racing for all drivers racing in
OZNZ Sim Racing events and to ensure maximum enjoyment and reward for all from their online racing.
It is the responsibility of all OZNZ Sim Racing Members to read and be familiar with
the following Rules and Regulations prior to participating in any events.
Acceptance of the OZNZ Sim Racing Rules and Regulations is a condition of entry in any event organised by OZNZ Sim Racing.
The Rules and Regulations apply to all games under the OZNZ Sim Racing community umbrella.
• Do NOT cut corners to gain an advantage
• Be a courteous, friendly and responsible driver.
• Drive within your abilities.
• Maintain good driving manners and be respectful of others, both on and off the track.
• Communicate your intentions to others when overtaking in tight racing situations.
• Ask for and give 'Racing Room' to other cars when appropriate.
• Abide by the Rules set down for racing.
• Abide by the rules for redressing racing incidents when they occur.
• Do NOT under any circumstances abuse other players ever!
• Drive and Race in accordance with the "Good Driving Manners and Racing Practices"
• Do NOT under any circumstances intentionally ram/wreck/take out another driver. Such actions will lead to Race Suspensions or being Banned from OZNZ Sim Racing.
• If you can't/won't abide by the Code of Conduct and Rules and Regulations, please race elsewhere.
Corner Cutting
Corner cutting is defined as having all Four (4) wheels off the track to gain an advantage (either time or a position). In most cases games will let you know you have cut a corner by dirtying/invalidating you lap time, or imposing a Cut Track Penalty. It does not matter whether it is on the inside or outside of a corner, both are considered corner cutting. Therefore drivers are to keep at least Two (2) wheels on the track at all times, unless attempting to avoid an Incident ahead on track, or when avoiding causing an Incident by hitting another driver.
If a driver abuses this interpretation (eg: uses this excuse for all corner cuts) penalties may be applied (penalties can be found in the penalties section of this page)
Any position gained by leaving the track must be redressed (except when you have left the track to avoid an Incident you are not involved in ahead of you on track) It is important not to force/push another driver into a cutting a corner/using a run off area. A Series Organizer may stipulate their own rules regarding corner cuts. These rules and penalties MUST be made clear prior to the commencement of a series.
A series Organizer may also stipulate if Drivers are allowed to leave the track and use a run off area, such as the hairpin at Catalunya, or the Chicane exit at Imola, or if all run off areas are allowed/not allowed to be used. Again, this must be made clear prior to the commencement of a series/race.
Race start
All Drivers on the grid have one car only for the duration of the race and Restarts are only considered in extreme circumstances. At the start of the race watch the car in front of you on the grid.
If they don't catch the start lights as well as you, then you must either slow down or move to the side and pass them. Make sure you don't collide with the cars ahead or to the side of you.
The First Corner
Be careful not to ruin your or someone else's race in the first 15 seconds. There is little to gain and a lot to lose by charging to fast into the first corner and causing/being involved in an accident.
Be mindful of the people in front of and around you. There is always going to be a queue in the first corner, so if you approach slowly and with care, you will make up the ground quickly. If you are further back in the field, you will need to brake well in advance of your usual braking point/marker.
Remember also that grip will be reduced due to lower tyre temperatures at the beginning of the race.
If you are following another car but are unable to pass, make sure you take corners at a similar speed to the car in front of you. Taking the corner at a faster speed is likely to result in you hitting the other car, forcing it off the track.
If you are following a car and racing for position, don't be too hasty to pass. Take some time (a lap or so) to figure out in which sections of the track you are faster and which sections you are slower. Pass only where you feel confident you can do so safely.
Also be aware that if you are driving a lighter car with better brakes, the car in front of you may have to brake earlier. If you want to brake at your normal point, do so off of the line that the car ahead is taking.
If you are attempting to pass in a tight competitive situation, such as a late move under brakes into a corner, or any other situation where the other driver may not realize your intentions, be sure to tell them where you are, what you are doing, and call for racing room. Eg: "Passing on your left", On your left", etc.
Defending a Race Position
Blocking is not allowed at any time.
Blocking is any means used to avoid being overtaken, other than legitimately defending the position.
Other than following the accepted racing line, a car must not weave repeatedly across the track or drive in the middle of the track to avoid being passed, where passing would otherwise be possible.
Changing your racing line must be done in a timely fashion. A Defensive move is considered blocking if it impedes the progress of the overtaking vehicle or requires abrupt, evasive action from the following car to avoid contact/an incident.
Defending your position
You may change your line ONCE ONLY to defend your position from a following car when approaching a corner. This is a defensive move only and must be made in a timely fashion.
You may NOT change your line to defend your position if it will cause contact with another car or force them to take abrupt, evasive action to avoid contact or an incident.
For example;
• If you are on the Outside (Racing) line and the approaching car is on the Inside line, you may move to the Inside line to defend the entry into the corner. You MUST maintain that line into the corner.
• If you are on the Inside (Defensive) line and the approaching car is on the Outside line, you may move to the Outside line to defend the line into the corner. You MUST maintain that line into the corner.
After making a defensive move as above, you may need to allow the following car racing room if it draws level and attempts to pass on the unclaimed line as you enter the corner.
To repeat,
Blocking is not allowed at any time.
Claiming racing room when overtaking
Claiming racing room applies whenever racing room may be required while overtaking, particularly when attempting to overtake on the approach to a corner.
For you to claim the right to racing room when attempting to overtake, your car must have a significant overlap on the car being overtaken.
A significant overlap is achieved if your car is able to get alongside the defending car so your front bumper is within half (1/2) a car length of being level of the defending car. When racing it is often difficult to tell exactly how far alongside a car you actually are.
You should call for racing room ONLY when you are certain you have the required overlap and are capable of completing the pass safely. If you do not have the required overlap as you approach the corner, you should not attempt to pass the defending car. If you have the required overlap you may call for racing room to the defending driver using Game chat/Discord.
It is the responsibility of both the Attacking and Defending Drivers to allow each other room when Racing room is legitimately requested. This means each driver leaving sufficient space on track so both cars can take the corner and overtake as cleanly as possible without either driver being forced off the track.
Allowing Racing Room while being Overtaken
Allowing Racing room while being Overtaken is the same as Claiming Racing Room while Overtaking, but from the Defending drivers position. It may be necessary for you to allow Racing Room for another car when being challenged for position so that both you and the other car can continue to race with minimum interference from each other.
Pit Lane Entry and Exit
Take care not to block cars on the racing line as you prepare to enter Pit Lane. If you are being followed closely, advise the following Driver(s) that you intend to enter the pit and position your car on the side of the track nearest the Pit Lane Entry. When leaving Pit Lane, check for cars approaching on the track. Move to the racing line only when your car reaches racing speed. DO NOT impede or block a car approaching on the racing line as you exit Pit Lane.
Returning to the Track after an Incident
If your car leaves the track for any reason, check for approaching cars before rejoining the track.
DO NOT block or impede another car on the racing line when rejoining the track. If necessary, wait until approaching cars have passed before rejoining the track. When possible, make your intention to rejoin known via Game chat/Discord.
Back Markers
DO NOT Race Front Runners.
The onus is on a driver being lapped to allow the leaders to pass safely with the least possible interruption to the race.
DO NOT race or attempt to defend your position against a car that is about to lap you. You must yield as soon as possible and give the lead cars room to pass.
If you a caught while going around a corner, continue on your normal race line and once you have completed the corner, move to the side to allow the lead cars to pass.
To make this as simple and clear as possible, if you are about to be lapped, the leaders are clearly faster and have been able to catch up to you. You must yield to them. You cannot claim to be faster if they have caught up to you on track.
The most important thing to remember with Blue flags is communication between Drivers. If you as the lapped car can see a good way for the Lead car to pass then you must communicate this to the Lead car. (For example, braking early into a corner on the outside line and letting the Lead car take the inside line to get ahead)
As the car about to be lapped, you do not have to attempt to yield at an awkward part of the track (such as entering a chicane or tight series of corners) Hold your line and when you arrive at a part of the track that will allow a clean pass, let the Lead car past.
If you cannot create a clean passing opportunity for the lead car, then you must slow to allow them past at the next part of the track that allows it. This situation is most likely to occur in slower, low power cars. As soon as the lead car gets ahead, you can tuck back in and get the draft to mitigate lost time.
In a nutshell, if the leaders have caught you, you are slower, therefore you MUST yield. If after you have yielded you find that the lead car is slower (once everyone has settled back into a race rhythm), you may attempt to un-lap yourself.
In this situation, you must be careful to make a clean pass as per the rules.
Where pit stops/strategies are involved.
In the instance where you exit the pits and come out near the front runners, the following situations will apply;
• If you are ahead on track by several seconds and increase the gap, you do not have to yield. Keep racing.
• If you are ahead on track by several seconds and the lead cars close the gap, they are faster and you MUST yield.
• If you are behind by several seconds and close the gap, you may attempt to un-lap yourself. In this situation, you need to be patient.
• Communicate with the car ahead. Being on the lead lap, they are not required to let you past, but they may be willing to let you pass since you are a lap down and are running faster.
• If you come out of the pits and are ahead by only a slim margin (the lead car is basically on your bumper), you are required to make room for the lead cars to pass as per the rules.
Lead Cars
If you are a Lead car in a Blue Flag situation, you must follow these guidelines.
BE PATIENT. You may have caught up to a slower car, but they may not be able to yield to you immediately, especially on an awkward section of the track. Communicate with them that you are behind them and are on the lead lap.
Ask for racing room and wait until they let you past. If the lapped car communicates a passing opportunity ahead on track, wait patiently until then and pass safely.
DO NOT get impatient and attempt to make a rough pass which may result in pushing the lapped car off line or cause damage. If you wish to try and pass the lapped car, you must pass cleanly.
We recommend that you communicate with the lapped car rather than trying to pass as it will result in a cleaner pass with less time lost and will have a much lower chance of causing an incident. For those without microphones, show your request for safe passage by use of your headlights (where your car has them) by flashing your lights while on a straight.
Blue Flag Rule Summary
Lead Cars. Be Patient.
Lapped cars. If the Leaders are faster, you MUST yield.
No one (Lead Cars or Lapped cars) is to make unsafe passing/defensive maneuvers that could result in an incident. If you require further clarification of the Blue Flag Rule, please PM/Steam message an Admin.
Full course Yellow flags will be called if a big enough incident occurs on the track. The only people who can call a full course yellow are OZNZ Admins, or Race Marshalls. All drivers will be made aware of who those people are before the race. No other driver is to call for yellow flags as it will cause confusion.
Once full course yellow is called the leader is to slow down to 100Km/h (or whatever speed is dictated by the series organizer as the Caution Speed) and maintain that speed. All other drivers are to form up behind. Make sure to leave a safe distance so drivers can "swerve" back and forth to keep temperature in their tyres. Drivers who are well behind may travel faster than the 100km/h limit to catch the back of the group. But be aware that you will be travelling faster than those ahead of you and take due caution. If you run into the back of the driver ahead you will be penalized. If you lose control while trying to keep your tyres warm you will not be allowed to retake your position on track. However should another driver make contact with you causing you to lose control, you may return to your position in the queue .
Once all drivers have formed up (excepting those who chose to pit for repairs) in single file, the race controller will call "Ready for Green", "Going Green" or just "Green". Once that happens all drivers are to keep voice chat to a minimum so everyone can hear when we are ready to go. The lead driver then has control of the group. At any time from the Apex of the Final Corner or the Pit Lane Entry (as dictated by the Admins) until the start finish line the leader may go. It is completely at his/her discretion when they jump. To aid drivers further back, and to simulate having a spotter, the 2nd and 3rd placed drivers are to call "go go go" as soon as the leader goes.
You may not overtake before the start/finish line, however you may overlap. If you mis-time your run and do happen to overtake before the line, simply give the spot back to the other driver as soon as it is safe to do so and there will be no penalty. If you do not, penalties will be imposed.
Race Incidents
Racing Incidents/Accidents will happen. Despite our intention and desire to race cleanly, contact between cars will occur and cars may gain/loose positions or sustain damage as a result.
Race Incidents must be (as far as possible) redressed on track during the race. Significant Incidents that cause damage to cars may effect the outcome of a race and significantly effect the final race results.
Redress of Race Incidents
Race Incidents should (as far as possible) be redressed on track during the race. Redressing of an Incident on track must be done safely. The Code of Conduct and Rules and Regulations still apply during this time.
Cars not involved in the incident must be given racing room and be allowed to continue racing unimpeded and may overtake the cars involved in the Incident before they return to the track.
Significant Race Incidents may require additional redress after the completion of the race and may alter the final results of the race. Revision of race results should be (if possible) completed and agreed to by the drivers immediately after the race. If agreement is not possible the race results can be challenged after the race and be reviewed by a Steward.
A Race Replay will be required for review of an incident.
Simple Race Incidents
If your car collides with another car and causes some loss of control/etc and you gain track position or re able to pass as a result of the contact, you must redress the gain(s) made as soon as possible.
Redress of a Simple Racing Incident requires the car(s) at fault to reduce speed or wait at a safe position to the side of the track if necessary and allow the other car(s) involved to come under control and regain their track position, after which racing can resume.
Significant Race Incidents
A Significant Race Incident is one where contact between cars causes significant Mechanical and/or Aerodynamic damage and results in significant loss of performance to the car(s) involved and might compromise the overall race result for them. A car deemed responsible for a Significant Race Incident may receive a Penalty up to their final race position being adjusted to behind that of the worst affected car.
Challenging race results/Requesting reviews of Racing Incidents
If you believe a race incident was not redressed correctly either during or after the race, you can request that the Stewards review the Incident.
A request for review must be lodged within 24 hours of the race and must mention the drivers involved, your point of view, the lap/race time the Incident occurred. A race replay must be available for review of a significant race incident.
All drivers involved in an Incident will (if possible) be asked for their view on the incident.
The result of a Review by the Stewards is Final.
To request a review, navigate to the Steward page and fill out the online form, following the instructions.
You request will be reviewed by the Steward as quickly as possible.
Penalties may apply to drivers who are deemed "At Fault" in Race Incidents. The penalty will be determined by the race organizer or by the Stewards reviewing the Incident in accordance with these rules and/or any specific race regulations.
The penalty may vary depending on the nature of the competition and the previous record of the drivers involved.
Penalties may include;
• Warnings to Drivers found at Fault.
• Changes to finishing positions and race results/points allocations.
• Additional penalty points deductions
• Exclusion from a race/race series.
• Exclusion from all further races organised by OZNZ Sim Racing.
(Note: Exclusion from current and future races will only be applied in serious situations, often involving repeat offences)
Currently the Race Stewards are the Admin Team for OZNZ Sim Racing (as listed below).
Any Steward involved in a Race Incident will not be a part of the review to ensure fair handling of all Incidents.
Current Stewards.
• CarboOZ
• Gemonic
• 2DoGsFn
• MaverickPilot
• akaPillarz